Allimed Referral Program

Allimed Referral Program

Help others and get free Allimed!

Because of FDA requirements, there is very little that we can say about Allimed on the internet. We need your help to help save lives. Please tell others of how Allimed can help them.


Join our Allimed referral team.            Call:  415-328-8356

Get Free Allimed!

  • When you refer someone who becomes our client, you will receive free Allimed liquid which is calculated according to their purchase. We will need your name or referral number from the referred client to keep track of your free Allimed liquid.

  • Your free Allimed liquid will be listed in your account and shipped with your next order.

Special Offer to referrals:

Order must be placed by phone Call:  415-328-8356

  • Referred clients must have their own address and separate account from the person referring them.


Thank you for becoming one of our team. We know that without you, many would never hear of the many health benefits of using Allimed, stabilized allicin.